The recent relaxation of restrictions associated with the Corona Virus Pandemic has led to a sigh of relief in many quarters, but also a hesitation in others. Is it too soon to suddenly return to all the activities and ways of behaving that were denied us for the past two years? Only time will tell, but it is to be welcomed that we can move about with more freedom.
So many people have become accustomed to wearing a mask, (though not everybody), avoiding physical contact, elbow greeting and staying back in crowded situations, not to mention standing two metres from the person in front of you in the supermarket queue.
The world of nature is oblivious to this and I have noticed that the winter flowering cherry trees have been blooming all over the winter. The cyclamen and polyanthus are still showing off their hardy flowers and the small birds are still singing away, though the sound of traffic mutes their wonderful song.
Now that January is moving along, and we are enjoying the benefits of the extra light in the day and the benign weather so far this winter helps as we look forward to the Spring.
With the gradual move to more ‘normal’ life, groups who have been meeting online via Zoom or other means, now are beginning to think of meeting in person. Some can’t wait, others are still a bit nervous of gathering. But from my point of view, I can’t wait to meet people in person, and hopefully without masks as it has been very difficult for me to get to know people. How I long to see people’s faces!
As we resume general activities, things will start to gather pace in the parish. There is so much to be done! I am grateful for the support of many parish groups and please God, as we move forward, these groups will be able to resume their regular meetings.
For now, I wish you well. Our new Parish website has received many positive comments and I hope that it will continue to be a wonderful resource for the parish and those who visit it.
Fr. Lia