For all of us, dates have great significance. Be it birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or other personal or family events, these dates are treasured in one way or another and hold affection or otherwise in our collective memory. World events are also recorded and held in memory, especially when they impact on our lives. And for me the most recent event of significance has been the day that I was diagnosed with Atrial fibrillation. August 17, 2023.
Prior to that I had been feeling less than 100% for some time. I put it down to the pressures of being Parish Priest and was looking forward to having some time off and getting away. However, while I enjoyed my holiday in July, I never seemed to relax and following a return trip to Connemara for the funeral of a relative, I felt exhausted. A visit to my doctor was followed up by a visit to Blackrock ED and there I was assessed and found to have AF. A course of medication was prescribed, and I returned to the parish.
Since then, I took time out to stay with my sister but my condition worsened. I ended up in hospital three times subsequently, as the AF and the medication affected my health. I had various procedures done but I still remained unwell. I have now been placed on a list for another procedure which, it is hoped, will deal with the worst effects of AF and allow me to recover and return to the parish.
At this stage it will be some time before I will be able to resume my duties in the parish. I have been greatly encouraged by the warmth and kindness of parishioners, friends and colleagues who have sent messages of good will and assured me of their prayers. The parish team have risen to the occasion and are ensuring that normal service is provided given the circumstances.
Thank you to one and all. I am especially indebted to my family and to my sister and her husband in particular who are caring for me at this time.
With every good wish,
Fr. Liam